
Friday, May 30, 2008

y people tinkz i like grace? .....actually i liked her but it is past liaoz...now i like other person.sorry guyz i cann0t say hu is it unless u tel me who ue like.

posted @ 12:36 AM

people i liked before 1)Li Fang 2)Yi Hua 3)cann0t tel sorry

posted @ 12:31 AM

hi i am Ming Shun 11+++++++ this year. first time blog,lolz.......i really love her,i tinkz she noe liao lor.how ar?can anyone tell me?????i will only tell who is my crush when she accept me.i will wait...wait and wait...

posted @ 12:19 AM

Hello I am Ming Shun,
my nick is Shun
6.2 a.k.a Excellence 2 a.k.a E2
be with herz
New phonez


May 2008

MARDIANA Grace Yi Hua Ming Hui qiu henhg Jian Liang Xian Hui

layout; shoelaces
image; deviantart
fonts; dafont
hosts; I II III IV
adobe photoshop CS2

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